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Healthcare Horizons participant

Mehmet lives in Hackney. He’s 29 and is visually impaired. Due to his visual impairment, he’s found it hard to get a job despite having a degree. He’d been searching for a job for 4 years before coming across the Healthcare Horizons programme.

“I’ve always been eager to work in the NHS. I’ve been a service user for years, and always wanted to give back. I have a passion for people and care about others, so this programme and the qualification it includes looked like a great opportunity to me.

I’ve been looking for employment support as well. This programme offers help with supporting statements and employability skills in addition to a qualification that I can put on my CV. I feel confident that it will improve my chances of getting a job.

My main barrier is my visual impairment. It’s hard to work around the boundaries of my assistive technology – it doesn’t always work with job applications! I’ve been looking for work for 4 years with no luck due to these issues.

The programme overall has made a huge difference to me. I’ve learnt loads about the NHS – the recruitment process, basic safeguarding, and how best to make applications. We’ve received support with public speaking, and I’ve made new friends, enjoyed the teamwork in the class, and continue to keep in touch with the group now that it’s finished.

I found everything and everyone in the process to be really supportive! The team made sure that the workbooks were made accessible to me and my assistive technology, and everyone, from the staff to the tutors were great at understanding my needs. I’ve been really well supported, and have been grateful for an extension on my workbook deadlines.

I’ve also been given appointments with one of The Hive’s employment advisors, Rahela. She’s helped me overcome my assistive technology issues with the application process, including working on my supporting statements, helping me with job search on the NHS website, and making applications with me. Since the programme finished, she’s been continuing to support me.

I have also been given access to internal apprenticeships within the NHS – giving me a better chance at getting a job. I hope I will achieve my qualification soon, but I feel like my confidence and employment prospects have already improved so much. Now I am focusing on completing the qualification and securing an apprenticeship within the NHS.”

Want to find out more?

Healthcare Horizons is a programme we run in conjunction with Barts Health NHS trust. It’s a great opportunity to get your foot in the door, so if you’re interested in applying or would like to find out more information about the programme please contact The Hive on 020 7510 9770 or Employment&

Our training is funded by the Mayor of London and the European Social Fund.

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