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83% of residents are satisfied with our services: the full results from our annual resident satisfaction survey


Results from our annual resident satisfaction survey 2023 shows 83% of our residents are satisfied with the services we provide.

Whilst the Tenant Satisfaction Measures Standard launched by the Regulator for Social Housing in 2023 requires us to survey tenants only, we took the opportunity to also listen to our leaseholders and shared owners.

The results on this page are combined from tenants, shared owners and leaseholders (and we refer to this group as “residents”).

The full set of TSM results for tenants only, as reported to the Regulator of Social Housing, can be found here

Results from our annual resident satisfaction survey

Overall the results from our resident satisfaction survey show that our residents are overwhelmingly satisfied with the work we are doing. They do also indicate some areas where we need to improve.

Here are some of the headline findings:

  • 83% of residents agree that they are treated fairly and with respect
  • 75% of residents are satisfied that we listen to them and act on what they say
  • 78% of residents believe that we keep them informed about things that matter to them
  • 77% of residents were satisfied that we are keeping communal areas clean and well maintained
  • 64% of tenants were satisfied with the time taken to complete their most recent repair after they reported it
  • 79% of residents were satisfied with our approach to handling antisocial behaviour